
Meet Our Team

The team here at Francis Immigration Services Inc has an open line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to achieve success.

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Leroy Francis

Ahmed Hasan

Ahmed Hasan

Middle East
Shalom Ademujimi

Shalom Ademujimi

LifegateCity Global Services

Leroy Francis studied Business Management at Ryerson University. He also studied Immigration Consultant at CDI Business College and passed with honors. A licensed and certified member in good standing at CICC-CCIC (The college of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants. Also a member of CAPIC-ACCPI (Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants) and BA-RCIC (Black Afficanness Regulated Immigration Consultants) and CBCC (Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce). With over 30 years of Professional Customer Service, he have been assisting individuals and families with their immigration process for over 2 decades.

Telephone: +1-647-499-0322

Ahmed Hasan graduated from the Faculty of Heritage Law in 1996. He went on to become a member of the Iraqi Bar Association after graduating. In 1997 he also became a member of the Iraqi Jurists Union and the Human Rights Association in Iraq. He didn’t stop there and in 2019 he continued his studies where he achieved a diploma as an Immigration Counselor from CDI College in Toronto, Canada.

Telephone: 001 647-886-3480

LifegateCity Global Services is an innovative and customer-centric traveling agency that specializes in providing exceptional travel experiences to individuals, families, and groups. With our passion for exploration and commitment to delivering personalized service, we aim to create unforgettable memories for our clients. Whether it’s a relaxing beach vacation, an adventurous trek, or a cultural expedition, LifegateCity Global Services is here to make your travel dreams a reality.

We are Ready to Help You!

With our years of services and support that we offer to our clients, none of this would be possible without our willing and professional team who worked with us over the years.

They all have experience in management consultation, team building, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration which made it very easy to take our goals and plans to fruition.

At Francis Immigration Services, we appreciate all our consultants and consider each of them unique and special in their own roles.


Get in Touch with Francis Immigration Services

    We’re here to help you navigate your immigration journey. If you have any questions, need more information about our services, or would like to schedule a consultation, please fill out the contact form below. Canada. We look forward to hearing from you!

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